5 Reasons Google May Have Suspended Your Business Listing

Are you experiencing the frustration of having your Google 'My Business' listing suspended? I know exactly how you feel. I've been using Google Business for years and as an SEO marketer, I often assist small business owners with their websites and rescue them from the never-ending cycle of suspension. Let me share some helpful tips that might help you resolve the issue and request a review for reinstatement. But if these suggestions don't work, it might be time to consider hiring an expert.

So, you went through the process of creating a Google Business listing, got approved, and eagerly waited for Google to review and publish it. But then, within a day or two, you received a notice from Google stating that your listing has been suspended. Panic sets in, and you start reading the link they provided, only to find that it offers no real answers. It can be incredibly frustrating, right?

First, check if your website URL has the 's' at the end of HTTP. It should read HTTPS, not HTTP. Google requires websites to be secure, and that's what the 's' stands for in HTTPS (hypertext transfer protocol secure). This simple change can make a difference. Then make sure your website really is secure. Not having a security certificate installed will get you suspended fast.

Next, double-check your business hours. Even if you have unique or non-traditional hours, using standard hours for the first 30 days can help avoid any red flags. Google might find unusual hours suspicious, so it's better to play it safe initially.

Another thing to consider is ensuring your business name stands out from others. If there are numerous businesses with similar names, consider adding your location at the end to make it clear to users which location they are viewing. This helps Google understand that you are a legitimate business and assists their users in finding the right information.

For instance: "My Cooling and Heating Business - Palm Coast, Florida." By including your location, Google can direct your listing to the appropriate customers and reduce any confusion.

Be cautious about adding photos that don't belong to your business or using marketing images that don't accurately represent your products or services. It's best to avoid this practice and gradually add photos after the first 30 days to maintain authenticity.

Additionally, pay attention to the language used in your 'Bio' or 'About' description. Avoid using terms like "Best," "Highly Rated," or any spammy and marketing 'gotcha' words that might seem like an attempt to game the system. Stick to a genuine and informative description of your business.

If you've checked all these items and Google continues to reject your listing, don't lose hope. It might be the right time to consider hiring a professional. Website professionals like us have established relationships with Google and are often viewed as trustworthy because we follow the rules and guidelines. I've personally been able to create and activate business listings within a 48-hour period through my Google Account because Google trusts my expertise.

Remember, you're not alone in facing these challenges. Seek professional assistance if needed, and keep pushing forward.

(update) Jan 17, 2024 - More and more local business are finding they can not longer edit their business listing with Google. This means Google has not suspended you and your listing will show until Google opens the edit to you again. If you find this is happening to you, something has triggered Google to look into your listing. This could be because you changed something critical like an address, or phone number. Changing major items that you previously verified, may cause your listing be suspended until re-verification is asked. This could take weeks.