Raise a glass to House Bill 583; Bigger Glass, Bigger Pour
Raise a glass to House Bill 583; Bigger Glass, Bigger Pour

Raise a glass to House Bill 583; Bigger Glass, Bigger Pour

Palm Coast - Raise a glass to House Bill 583! 

Get ready to uncork some exciting news straight from Florida's legislative vineyard! Lighthouse Point Republican Rep. Chip LaMarca is bubbling with enthusiasm as he leads the charge to revolutionize the Sunshine State's wine container sizes.

With years of perseverance and a dash of finesse, Rep. LaMarca is on the brink of making history. The eagerly awaited legislation to permit larger wine bottles is racing towards the finish line, and the excitement is palpable.

In a sparkling victory, House lawmakers enthusiastically approved LaMarca’s bill (HB 583), paving the way for restaurants and retailers to offer wine in glass containers ranging from 4.5 to a whopping 15 liters. That's enough to make any wine aficionado raise a glass in celebration!

And the fun doesn't stop there! Just a week later, a Senate bill (SB 1134) by Panama City Republican Sen. Jay Trumbull zoomed through its final committee stop with unanimous support, echoing the enthusiastic sentiment.

This is a momentous occasion indeed! For the first time since its inception in 2021, both the Senate and House versions of the legislation have made it to the hallowed halls of their respective chambers without encountering a single dissenting vote. It's a toast-worthy achievement!

In a passionate plea to his colleagues, LaMarca urged them to "stand up and free the grapes," emphasizing that it's simply not good public policy to restrict wine sales based on container size. Cheers to that!

Currently, Florida's statutes put a cork on commercial sales of wine in bottles larger than one gallon or reusable 5.16-gallon containers. But fear not, change is fermenting!

Those who dare to defy the current law, which some critics say is past its drink-by-date, face consequences ranging from a misdemeanor for first-time offenders to a felony for repeat rule-breakers. It's time to uncork the possibilities and embrace a future where wine container size restrictions are a thing of the past!

So, let's raise a glass to Rep. LaMarca and Sen. Trumbull for championing this grape revolution. Here's to bigger bottles, bolder flavors, and the sweet taste of progress!

Current Status:

CS/HB 583: Individual Wine Containers

GENERAL BILL by Regulatory Reform & Economic Development Subcommittee ; LaMarca

Individual Wine Containers; Revises exception to maximum allowable capacity for individual container of wine sold in this state.

Effective Date: 7/1/2024
Last Action: 2/23/2024 Senate - Referred to Rules
Bill Text: PDF 

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