A new way to pay using virtual cards that conceal the real you. - Palm Coast Local Business Search, Deals & Events

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Virtual and Privacy Credit Card and Identify Consealment is on the rise to combat fraud and theft.

A new way to pay using virtual cards that conceal the real you.

These methods are known as virtual cards and privacy cards. Although both operate similarly, they offer distinct options to consumers.

Virtual cards and privacy cards serve the same purpose of masking or concealing payment details and personal information. They provide an added layer of security when conducting transactions online or over the phone. With virtual cards, users are provided with unique 16-digit card numbers, CVV codes, and expiration dates that can be generated instantly and used for specific transactions. Privacy cards, on the other hand, offer a similar function but go a step further by creating specific card numbers for individual merchants, limiting their usability if compromised.

Here's how a virtual card works:

When you shop online, instead of providing your actual credit card number at checkout, you generate a virtual card number and use that instead. This virtual card acts as a shield for your real information. The advantage of using virtual cards is their flexibility. You'll be able to add your virtual card to any wallet app you use.

Firstly, you can use a virtual card for a single transaction any place online or any store that offers in app payments. Once you generate a virtual card it stays in your app and you can see each transaction and be notified instantly of new transactions. Start, stop or suspend the card anytime. You won't have to call your credit card company, or deal with the fraud company.  You simply suspend the virtual card, then generate a new one in under a minute. You are in control, and as you denied the charge, the fraud never occurs.

Secondly, you have the option to assign a virtual card to a single store like Amazon or Temu for example, that are only attached to that store. If the website has a data breach and your information is stolen, it will be denied and you can then lock it to never be used again. Then create a new virtual card.

Lastly, you can create as many virtual cards as you need, depending on the plan you choose. For instance, I came across a company offering 12 virtual cards for free. This gives you the choice to plan for your financial health.

By utilizing virtual cards, you enhance your online security and have more control over your payment information, making it a smart choice for safer and more versatile online shopping experiences.

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Here is how a Privacy Card Works:

Let me explain how Privacy Cards function; When you create a Privacy Card, you can assign it to a specific company, such as your mobile data carrier or utility provider. This virtual card serves as a shield, concealing your personal ID and real credit card number, while allowing you to use it for recurring billing or subscription plans with that particular company.

The significant advantage of using a Privacy Card lies in the control it offers. You have the power to disable the card at any time, whether it's due to security concerns or if you wish to discontinue a payment plan without relying on the subscription company's support. This level of control is especially valuable, as some companies, like Apple, are known for making the subscription cancellation process overly frustrating. However, with a Privacy Card, stopping a payment is as simple as tapping a button.

By employing a Privacy Card, you can navigate online subscriptions and recurring bills with greater ease and security, making it a convenient solution for managing your financial transactions effectively.

Adopting this method can significantly reduce the alarming instances of credit card theft and Identity theft currently plaguing consumers, while also granting them greater control over their financial security. However, when researching the right company to entrust with this service, it's essential to ensure they are FDIC insured, as this provides protection in case of fraud.

Companies like Privacy.com are leading the way by offering this innovative solution to the public right now, making it accessible to consumers. Although only a few banks currently provide such services, as the demand for a better system grows, we can expect to see more options emerging in the banking world.

By embracing this approach, consumers can actively safeguard themselves against credit card theft and enjoy a heightened sense of control over their financial transactions. The ongoing trend towards enhanced security and user-friendly options indicates that this method is poised for wider adoption in the banking industry in the near future.

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NOTE: This article is meant for informational purposes and does not represent legal or financial advise. If you really want to stop identity theft and your credit card from being stolen, cancel your credit card and stop using it. Delete and remove yourself from all social media and the internet and live with zero technology including cell phones and pay cash for everything. Dump the banks and hide your cash in your mattress. Don't apply for anything and live off the grid.

We all do the best we can with what we have.

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