Tip: How To Get What You're Paying For At The Pump.
Tip: How To Get What You're Paying For At The Pump.

Tip: How To Get What You're Paying For At The Pump.

Are you spending a significant amount of money on gas while running errands, giving estimates, picking up the kids, or traveling? If you want to reduce the amount of your disposable income spent on gasoline, or at the very least, ensure you’re getting the most value for your money, check out these helpful tips.

Gas Pump Tip #1: Fill Up in the Early Morning

Fill up your car or truck with gas in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Gas stations store their fuel in underground tanks, and the colder the ground, the denser the gasoline. As it gets warmer, gasoline expands, so if you buy gas in the afternoon or evening, you're not getting a full gallon. Gas pumps don't compensate for temperature changes, so a one-degree difference can significantly impact your fuel costs.

Gas Pump Tip #2: Use the Slow Mode When Filling Up

When filling your tank, avoid squeezing the nozzle trigger to the fastest setting. The trigger typically has three settings: low, medium, and high. Use the low (slow) mode to minimize the vapors created while pumping. All pump hoses have a vapor return mechanism. Pumping at the fastest mode causes some liquid fuel to vaporize and return to the underground storage tank, reducing the amount of fuel you get for your money.

Gas Pump Tip #3: Keep Your Tank Half Full

Fill up when your gas tank is half full (or half empty). The more gas in your tank, the less air there is to occupy the empty space. Gasoline evaporates quickly, so minimizing the empty space in your tank reduces evaporation and saves you money.

Gas Pump Tip #4: Avoid Filling Up During Fuel Deliveries

If a gasoline truck is pumping into the storage tanks at a gas station, avoid filling up there. The incoming fuel stirs up the gasoline in the tank, potentially mixing dirt and sediment into the fuel you'll be pumping into your vehicle.

We hope these tips help you get more for your money at the gas pump. For statistical information and news on the crude oil and gas industry, visit the Energy Information Administration's website, the official source of energy statistics from the U.S. government.

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