Business Blog

Seniors could receive a rebate on their homeowners' insurance premiums

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The Hidden Dirt Trap: Vacuuming the Back of Your Area Rug

The Hidden Dirt Trap: Vacuuming the Back of Your Area Rug

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Eating Pumkin Seeds: 4 Benefits and Tips for Eating.

 With the fall and holiday season comes all the fall goodies we love to indulge in. One little item you may have missed to add to your fall favorite is pumpkin seeds. Yes, you can eat them and they are good for you too.

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CareCredit is gaining popularity in Florida for Seniors and Patients

CareCredit is gaining popularity in Florida for Seniors and Patients

  • About the Author: Mobility and Equipment in Palm Coast
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Mythbusting Marketing Tricks That Drain Your Bank Account

Mythbusting Marketing Tricks That Drain Your Bank Account

  • About the Author: Community Wisdom brings you time and money saving tips while wishing to remain anonymous.
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